Data Center Systems Engineer [ABC0001587] - Doporučit známému
Název pozice: Data Center Systems Engineer [ABC0001587]
Krátký popis pozice: Location: Prague, Czech Republic Data centers are cores of SUSE life. It contains hundreds of machines of all possible kinds – from straightforward Intel servers to mainframes and prototypes. Data center systems engineers are critical figures, which ensure that the infrastructure is running well, being developed, issues are addressed and fixed in time and the whole service is being provided to the company with highest possible quality. As a data center systems engineer you will work in cooperation with all engineering and IT-related departments in the company to install, maintain and provision hardware and software support of data centers. You will: Oversee the environments of a data centers where they supervise systems and also identify, log, and report issues to their seniors. They write instructions for the data centers and are responsible for the maintenance of configurations of all systems within them. Perform different administration tasks, such as adding, modifying, and removing hardware, virtual machine administration, software maintenance etc. Troubleshoot network and system problems to provide solutions to hardware/software defect Perform precautionary system maintenance to ensure that the systems and network are functioning well. Coordinate with other teams and vendors to guarantee that uptime is maximized so that the data center can provide quality services. Deploy data and system security measures Fix issues related to customer service support, and supervise the performance of local area networks (LANs) and data communications monitoring activity and access of the data centers and its operations section to ensure that there is compliance of security policies.
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